Saturday, March 5, 2011

Completely Lovely Day in Helsinki

A little catch up....

Monday I bought Napalese food to go a couple blocks from our apartment because it sounded good and I  got 10% off for not eating in the establishment.  It was quite surprising to me that the food I got looked like it was a tv dinner...I think they actually vacuum pack it at the restaurant which is insane!  The nann was so wonderful, though.

Wednesday was one of our many reviews this last week.  These are our "culture cubes" in which one was meant to describe the US and the other Finland.  

These are my cubes



Today the weather was just lovely.  After getting ready and working on my source list for my history paper I walked to the Architecture Museum to look at an article on my next building systems assignment.  Afterwards I took some photographs of the site for our studio assignment and then started wandering in the sunshine until I came up with a purpose for my walk.

I first passed by the largest yarn shop in Helsinki.  I have so far made one pair of wristers with Icelandic wool that I purchased here - they have a wonderful selection!

This is the Russian Orthodox church.  After wandering to the Esplanade and looking at the items in the outdoor market I decided today was as good a day as any to get some interior shots so started the trek up.

On the way, I walked past (through almost) this highly debated Aalto design often called the "sugar cube".  I thought about going inside but came up against locked doors.

Signs that spring is coming to Helsinki!!!

This is looking back at the city near the harbor

A random Aalto light when I walked under the overhang of the "sugar cube"

The view from right outside the Russian Orthodox Cathedral was completely beautiful.  I thought it was really neat to look out at the Lutheran Cathedral from this vantage point.

As you can see - it was a bit windy up there!

This is looking to the norther part of the Helsinki city center

This blue building is the home of the President of Finland

Entering the cathedral  was an interesting experience.  As soon as I entered through the door, a ton of steps appeared before me.  Thoughts of symbolism with accession automatically came to mind, but I have no idea if that was the actual intent of the architect.

Flashes were not allowed in the space, so my photos are kind of dark, but the light was lovely shining in through the windows.

I don't know if a wedding ended or if they were prepping for one, but there was a bride in the room.  Initially I hesitated entering in case I shouldn't go in but decided to ask forgiveness (which turned out not to be necessary) instead of permission.

Me and the church

Doesn't it look like the perfect set for a penguin movie??

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