Thursday, February 3, 2011

Disenchanted with School Food

I know this should come as no surprise from a girl who took her lunch most days in elementary school, but I am a little tired of the school offerings for lunch at Aalto University.  Hopefully things will be better today (by better I mean contain meat and/or flavors in which I am interested, lol).  Two days ago was the tomato and mushroom sauce which was off white in color and yesterday I had Jambalaya which was a ton of very sticky rice with beans and some orange food coloring.  I couldn't eat much of it so actually left a lunch with a small salad, bread, and lots of Jambalaya a little hungry.  Thankfully, Sally and I are much better cooks (in my estimation).

Last night we had pasta again.  We picked up some hamburger meat at the store which I browned and added to pasta sauce.  Spaghetti (although a very thick version), a salad, and garlic bread was much more fitting to what I like in a meal!

After that I did some reading for my architectural history class and then we explored a new part of towns and met Finns.  The Architecture School's social organization planned a bar crawl for Wednesday night.  While I was not all that excited about the idea of a bar crawl and was perplexed about having it on a Wednesday night, our group of Americans has started to feel quite exclusive and like meeting Finnish students will require some work.  They have their studio space in a different building from us, so we don't even recognize fellow architecture students at lunch.  It has also been repeated many times to us that the Finns are a shy people so may not take kindly to someone just plopping down next to them and starting conversation.  So with minimal homework assignments so far, it seemed taking part in this social event seemed wise.  It turned out to be surprisingly fun.  I stayed out almost 2 hours longer than planned.  All the Finnish students I met were really friendly.  It was a little awkward at first b/c the head student took us around - kind of on tour and one table applauded that International Students had come to the event.  The best location (and strange cultural mix) was a Reggae club where we got to see the Finnish version of dancing, lol.

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