Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hurry Up and Wait

Today started early - I woke at 6:45am which is crazy early for me, lol.  Sally and I were not only on time, but a little early for the bus to school.  The first class of the day was at 9am - furniture design.  My first assignment is to research and do a descriptive drawing of a chair (the Trienale 01) by hand.  By hand is a little scary to me, but hopefully it will go well.  Class ended early, so we all looked up our chairs and worked on our assignments for studio.

Around noon I was starving and headed to the dining hall.  Unfortunately, it was my least favorite meal at a Helsinki school.  I had the pasta with a tomato and mushroom sauce which was surprisingly white and not bad but not flavorful, lol.  My two slices of bread and butter were fantastic, though.

After lunch I went to Nordea bank and was thrilled that it was open.  Unfortunately, though, although my money has left my Wells Fargo bank account, it hasn't yet got to my Finnish bank account.  Hopefully our landlady will be understanding as we wait for the international transfer :)

We had another bout of wood shop orientation, then some work time (which quickly became hunting for knitting patterns for me) until someone showed up to tell us about computing at Aalto University.  Apparently every school is the same...things are always changing and unpredictable.  Class was scheduled from 4-6pm but the projector was missing so it started around 4:45pm and we learned that our teacher believes it should regularly run until 7pm.

The highlight of my day (surprise surprise) was supper.  I had left over Nepalese food from last night (essentially Chicken Tikka Masala but with more vegetables and onions), lettuce with ranch dressing, grapes, garlic bread (I found garlic salt at the store!!!!!), and pepsi max.  It was colorful and tasty!

Now I am going to do some reading for my history class and hopefully get some knitting in before bed.  Oh, and I'm drinking hot chocolate :)

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