Friday, February 4, 2011

Lovely Morning in Helsinki

Today I experienced something strange in Helsinki - sun shine so bright down the street it was blinding!  Although we do not have classes today there are many different things I am hoping to accomplish.  The last couple days have been a lot of "hurry up and wait" and very little scholastic things have happened except for receiving an array of assignments.

Yesterday I had building systems class.  I really liked the professor (despite the fact that he talked about himself and his work for a little too long in my opinion).  Class time apparently was incorrect in the schedule we were given (second time that happened) so from here on in it will be from noon until 4pm.  Class ended early, so Sally and I returned to Kampii to take back our second attempt at an internet splitter.  The day crew is apparently much more informed that the night crew.  We talked to a guy who blatantly stated that "half of the people that work here don't know what they're talking about."  He showed us a different device which cost much more but he promised would work.  Later in the evening that was probably the greatest accomplishment of the week - Sally and I now can both be online in the comfort of our own apartment!  A thrilling prospect so we may not have to stay in studio in the evening!!!!

Artturi, the Finnish architect who found our housing and is our general contact person here, set up a meeting for all of us at Avanto Architects at 6pm last night.  I was banking on cheese and crackers, but the chips were quite tasty.  They are a 2 partner (and 2 person to 5 person) firm with quite a few interesting projects.  Last week we saw them receive the 2011 concrete awards.  My favorite project of theirs was a sauna.

After spending an hour and a half picking the brain of the female principle (I have her card somewhere but do not recall her name right now), we hopped on the tram which took us home.  Sally and I went back to the Thai restaurant and I went for a spicier option than last time.  Instead of scarfing down the whole dish I could only handle half of it - 2 chilies on a menu is much much different from no chilis apparently.  We then went home and I did some school work and had hot cocoa before bed.

This morning I got up in order to document the square I was assigned, Frederikintori.  I took a lot of pictures, jotted down some notes, and plan to return there this afternoon.  Then I went to the bank (had to wait until 10am for them to open) and there was actually money in my Finnish bank account!!!  This meant I could withdraw euros without an atm fee and pay our rent (only 3 days late).  I walked into town and found a craft shop with some yarn called "Finn Wool".  I might have to go back and get some, but for now I am at a cafe finishing up the prettiest cup of hot chocolate I've ever seen and trying to decide if I'm going to go to Helsinki University for a huge lunch of potatoes etc or see if the market is open and has a good option.  At 1:30pm I will be going to see the Triennale Chair - an assignment for my furniture design class.

Pictures of this lovely day will be in the next blog :)

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