Monday, January 31, 2011

First Day of Classes

Last night I knit while watching the West Wing and Sally read.  Excitedly, I was actually able to video chat with DW and with Mom and John!  After this, Sally and I ate fun food - salad with ranch dressing for me (I splurged at the grocery story) and crackers with an array of cheese and salmon.  It was quite festively cute and tastey!  Unfortunately, I don't much care for one of the cheeses which is meant to be eaten with jam...but I'll try again.

Today I took the bus to school, got my student ID card, a library card, a magnetic key to get into the architecture building, and registered for my Aalto University password.  Lunch today was quite good - potatoes, rice, bread, and some pork.  We met our studio professors again today (we've met them socially, but today was the first meeting of class) and got our first 3 assignments.  I am now assembling my 10 minute biographical presentation.  A few images particularly make me smile:

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are having fun! Perhaps I should post a collection of sleeping Anne photos on FB!
