Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bedtime blog

This should be quick, because all good Finnish student/children are sleeping but I don't want to forget todays events...not that it was crazy eventful.

We met at 8:325am in the Senate Square for a walking tour with our Finnish Architectural History teacher, Sircolisa (sp).  She seemed really interested in the buildings, really knowledgable, but gave dates like...around the 1890s.  All of these things were really encouraging to me!  It was quick chilly this morning.  Thankfully I wore extra layers, but the cold still seeped in a bit.  We went into the main building of the University of Helsinki, the Library of the University of Helsinki, and the National Archives.  Pictures will show up in a few days at the latest :).  The Library had an exhibit of Disney artifacts!!!  So far I have found 2 yarn stores (one of which is only a few blocks away and is the largest yarn store in Finland) and a Disney display!

We had lunch at the University again.  It was my favorite lunch thus far - I had pork in gravy, essentially.  Great flavor and, while I love fish, it is nice to have a little break.  A batch of us went to a cafe on the esplanade during our break - I had a chocolate cookie which was okay.  It was a very fun place, though.

Then we walked to Finnish lessons which lasted for two hours.  The comfortable heat in the room is not conducive to focusing on the very very lengthy words with complex vowel sounds.  I get sooo drowsy.

Peter arranged for taxis to pick us up and take us to Dipoli (the student union at Aalto University) for the Concrete Organization's lecture and buffet.  The speaker was late, but once he got there and spoke english (thank goodness), his presentation was very interesting.  Some of his work was really unique and lovely...other things were a little out there for me.  Dinner was kind of amazing.  There was a typical (but lovely) green salad, then a salad with fresh mozzarella, potatoes with dill in a sauce, and salmon.  So flavorful and wonderful.

Someone asked Peter if he knew of a place we could shoot pool, so we found a fun place once we took the bus into town.  My pool skills have not improved, but everyone was very kind and patient with me.  While I only have 50 pages left of my current read (Clockwork Angel) so desperately want to dive in and finish...Sally's alarm will be going off at 8am and we have history class in the warmth of Palassmaa's office tomorrow morning so I should get my sleep!

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