Sunday, January 23, 2011

First morning in Helsinki

I am quite excited for my first meal in Finland.  Last night I left the apartment with a key to my apartment and a map in search of my St. Louis friends, but quickly realized where I thought I was did not match with the map.  If only I hadn't forgotten my gps...probably the only not-easily replaced item I left at home so far I would've known my address.  This morning my e-mail works well enough to find it:

Anne Buchele

Tehtaankatu 20 B 27
00140 Helsinki

I did walk up and down the street a bit looking for food.  I found a corner market, but it closed at 9pm...a couple minutes before I got there.  Quite hungry I returned to the apartment and devoured about half of the box of cereal Sally had kindly (and cluelessly) offered to share with me.  Then I video chatted with DW for a little bit, watched some West Wing and knit, and went to sleep.

I really wish the bathroom had a shower curtain b/c I truly regret making the entire room wet.  Here are some apartment pictures (poorly taken, but I'll do better once the construction is finished.

And as if all those photos didn't make this a long enough post...the one thing I photographed on the way here was a chocolate bar in the Amsterdam airport!  What is a chocolate bar?  I'm still not 100% sure b/c I didn't want to tempt myself too much.  I think I saw chocolate liquours for sale, but I was most excited by the blocks of chocolate which you were supposed to break off by the oz to purchase!!

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