Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Today is Wednesday...

This was our "easy day" of orientation.  Sally and I got up in time to get to the bank at 9am only to find that the bank didn't open until 10am.  The sun was shining today!  (wonder of wonders) The only downside to that was that it was more cold than it had been the last few days - I wished I had my long underwear on.

The first official stop of the day was to learn about the Finnish language a little and their most famous epic piece of literature - the Caletava (sp).  It was a cold room and the lecture got a bit long, but the lady was very very nice.

Lunch at the University of Helsinki = farmers steak.  I still don't know what that is, but it tasted fine and was nice because it was different from anything I've eaten here in awhile.

Then we came back to the apartment for some hot chocolate unti the banks opened (lunch break).  Then I opened a Finnish bank account.  Finnish lessons were from 3pm until 5pm where I learned a few words, kind of, was overwhelmed by the extreme emphasis of diverse vowel noises, and became quite sleepy.

Afterwards, we went to the grocery store.  Sally made spaghetti and sauce for dinner which we ate along with snacks of crackers and cheese (a local kind), bread, cream cheese, and salmon.  It was tasty...but we were too tired to believe it was only 6:30pm our time.

Tomorrow we have to meet Peter at 8:25am for a walking tour of Helsinki with our history professor....brrr and early!

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